The holiday season is cherished by many because it brings people together.

But in a year where we’ve spent most our time apart, Turtles® Clusters wants to unite everyone virtually by celebrating a unique and joy-filled “holiday” within the holidays.

What do strawberries, potato chips, chili peppers, and many of our favorite candies have in common? Typically, not much. But on December 16th Turtles® Clusters will celebrate National Chocolate Covered Anything Day, where all four of these things (and tons more) are fair game to dip, drizzle, and dunk in chocolate.

To celebrate this special holiday, we have a super fun giveaway just for you. ????

Share your #ChocolateCoveredAnythingDay pictures with us on Instagram!

Use #DemetsTurtles and please tag @demets_turtles so we can repost your beautiful pictures!

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